“Risk-Free” investments don’t exist.

There’s a kind of trite saying attributed to most financial advisors in the world:  There’s no such thing as a risk-free investment. Like most trite financial advisor sayings, this is TRUE.  But it does take some consensus on how we define two things:  Investment and Risk. Meriam-Webster’s Dictionary has several definitions for risk.  One of […]

The January Effect

This is the last blog post for 2018, and barring a really nice New Year’s Eve rally, most of the stock market indicators, both domestic and foreign, will likely end up with losses for 2018.  Importantly, absent a really rough New Year’s Eve rout on the markets, the stock losses will be far less severe […]

How to Survive a Volatile Market

Financial terminology 101: Volatility (n): The tendency of prices to go up and down sharply over time. Given that definition, it’s pretty clear that we, as investors actually like SOME volatility (the “up”-part).  Today’s blog post is directed to the majority who really don’t like the “down” part of the volatility equation.  Those who enjoy […]

Advisors, Fee-based Advisors, and Fee-Only Advisors.

Personal finance is complex.  At least I hope it is – I’d hate to think I’ve dedicated my career, many years of schooling and untold hundreds of continuing education hours on something overly simplistic.  Most people who hire a financial advisor are doing so to knock some of that complexity onto someone else’s plate. Isn’t […]